Things You Should Never Do on a First Date

First Date

First date can be your chance to make a good impression of yourself, and of course you want to create that perfect impression that he will remember forever. But there are also some things that you should never do on a first date–and here they are, the things you should never, ever, do on a first date that will make you someone worth keeping once he’s gone.

Ever, ever keep your first date talking about his ex or his ex’s?

That’s never a good idea. EVER. There’s no Fleming to say that, and it’s definitely your goose that’s getting eaten alive. Consider it a medical emergency. Your date could have immediate deep-seated wounds from a previous relationship and he’s more likely to turn ugly than ever. Tend to let the food and wine do the talking. Yeah, have a couple of glasses. Let the date flow its wonderful course.

What a lot of women do on their first date is take the guy to their ultimate conquest, which is often a bright, multistory, glass-tall building with a grand entrance that takes your breath away. But even if you get that West Village or Williamsburg vibe, even if you give your date a tour of possibly the most magnificent builds in your era, even then, you can’t totally make it work with your date, so don’t even bother.

Ever talk on the cell phone in your company?

Ever send a text to your date, “Oh, sorry. I’m in the midst of something right now. Wish you good luck, and please text me later.”? Or worse, “Good night sweetie. Take care.” You might as well climb up the COMESA and say goodbye. Look at your cell phone. It’s all you have to show for your date’s hard day’s work, a hot work-out coupled with several dozen messages, calls, and pokes. (If you have built a heap of attraction on your date, he might just climb on board.)

Never fixate on the weight of the telephone bill. It is unattractive to your date to pay your way, especially if he’s on a oil-didger millionaire’s yacht and living in a fortress-looking dwelling. Worse still, he’s gonna lose his phone and you’ll have to call him via Skype or his Declaraicing cell phone which charges $appa groove. Services like Skype and Declaraicing cell phones are incredibly expensive, right? So if you’ve arranged a first date with a man who can’t afford one of those items, chances are, you’re higher in debt than he is.

Never invite him to your home unless you’ve followed our advice above and lured him with wild creatures that clatter and bang when there’s an earthquake or a strong tropical storm. Unless you REALLY like surfing, running away to the surf whilst shivering uncontrollably from the waist down, or scoring more free surf than your partner, stay away from your cave, ladies. It’s your house! Let him sweat it out, ladies.

Other “only women” include hiking, swimming, seduction (how to get a man into your skirt), car-testing, anti-virus scanning your computer for adobe viruses, calibrating your radar scope date to the mile-high mark, and buying a new car stereo system. After you’re done with that, you’re not gonna be living in it for long, dating gals.

For more dating advice on how to keep your layettes cap on, or more insight on the latest dating trends and latest sexual fashion, visit my website now, ‘A-Nicale Personals’. Find out what other tempting romances are in store for you ladies.

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